[The Little Typer] 02 Doin' What Comes Naturally

Posted by roife on Mon, Mar 1, 2021


cons 是 constructor,Pair 是 type constructor,它们都用来构建值;而 car 这种用来分解值,称为 eliminator。Eliminators 可以使用 values(不单是可以用于提取内部的值,例如还可以用于归纳等)。

(Constructors and Eliminators)

Constructors build values, and eliminators take apart values built by constructors.


λ 也是一个 constructor,可以构建 (λ (x0 x ...) body) 这样的 value。而对应的 eliminators 则是将 lambda 应用参数。

(Eliminating Functions)

Applying a function to arguments is the eliminator for functions.

对 λ 应用参数会产生替换,即 substitution。

((λ (flavor) (cons flavor 'lentils))
; (cons 'garlic 'lentils)

λ 嵌套时,内层参数可以屏蔽外层参数。

((λ (root)
  (cons root
    (λ (root) root)))

; 计算结果如下
(cons 'carrot
  (λ (root) root))

λ 的类型:→

λ 的类型类似于 (→ (Type0 Type ...) Body),其中 Type 表示参数类型,最后一个参数是返回类型。

( Atom
  (Pair Atom Atom))
; 接受一个 Atom 参数,应用于 (Pair Atom Atom) 结构

; 下面是类型的一种等价表达
( (car (cons Atom 'pepper))
  (Pair (cdr (cons 'salt Atom)) Atom))

(The Initial Law of Application)

If f is an

( Y

and arg is a Y, then

(f arg)

is an X.

Sameness for λ values

两个 λ 表达式如果参数数量和函数体相同,则它们相同,并且比较的过程中允许对参数进行“重命名”(alpha 变换)。

(The Initial First Commandment of λ)

Two λ-expressions that expect the same number of arguments are the same if their bodies are the same after consistently renaming their variables (alpha-conversion).

(The Law of Renaming Variables)

Consistently renaming variables can’t change the meaning of anything.

(The Initial Second Commandment of λ (eta-expansion))

If f is an

( Y X)

then f is the same

( Y


(λ (y)
  (f y))

as long as y does not occur in f.

Neutral Expressions

如果一个表达式如果不是 values(顶端是 eliminators),而且由于存在变量不能进行 evaluation,则被称为 neutral expression

例如如果 x 的类型为 (Pair Atom Atom),那么 (cdr x) 是 neutral expression。但是 (cons y 'rutabaga) 不是 natural expression,而是一个 value。

(Neutral expression)

Expressions that are not values and cannot yet be evaluated due to a variable are called neutral.

Sameness of Neutral Expressions

两个表达式比较时可以进行 consistently renaming。例如:

(λ (x)
  (car x))

is the same

( (Pair Nat Nat)


(λ (y)
  (car y))

如果两个 neutral expressions 的 top eliminator 是相同的,而且 eliminator 的参数都是相同的,那么它们是相同的。

(The Commandment of Neutral Expressions)

Neutral expressions that are written identically are the same, no matter their type.


define 可以简化程序:

(The Law and Commandment of define)

Following (claim name X) and (define name expr),

if expr is an X,

then name is an X

and name is the same X as expr.

(The Second Commandment of cons)

If p is a (Pair A D), then it is the same (Pair A D) as (cons (car p) (cdr p)).

使用 defineclaim 定义名字时,不能与已有名字重复。

(Names in Definitions)

In Pie, only names that are not already used, whether for constructors, eliminators, or previous definitions, can be used with claim or define.


which-Nat 是一个函数,它判断一个 Nat 是否是 zero。如果不是,它可以去掉 Nat 的 top constructor 并将其代入一个函数。


(which-Nat target

如果 targetzero,那么返回 base;否则只能是 (add1 n),返回 (step n)which-Nat 类似于一种模式匹配

(which-Nat zero
  (λ (n) ; 这里的 n 是 unused names
; 返回 'naught

(which-Nat 4
  (λ (n)
; 返回 'more

(The Law of which-Nat)

If target is a Nat, base is an X, and step is an

( Nat X)


(which-Nat target

is an X.

(The First Commandment of which-Nat)


(which-Nat zero

is an X, then it is the same X as base.

(The Second Commandment of which-Nat)


(which-Nat (add1 n)

is an X, then it is the same X as (step n).

Recursion is not an option (Gauss function 1)

  • (gauss n):计算 \(0 + \cdots + n\)


(claim gauss
  ( Nat

(define gauss
  (λ (n)
    (which-Nat n
      (λ (p)
        (+ (add1 p) (gauss p))))))

但是我们这里不用递归,因为递归有可能会写出 expression without a value(例如死循环)。


Types values

如果 Types 的 top constructor 是 type constructor,那么它是一个 value。比如 Atom(Pair Atom Atom),而 (car (cons Atom 'prune)) 虽然是一个 type,但是不是 value。

(Type Values)

An expression that is described by a type is a value when it has a constructor at its top.

Similarly, an expression that is a type is a value when it has a type constructor at its top.

(Type constructor & Constructor 的区别)

Type constructors 构建类型,而 constructors 构建值(value),值可以被类型所描述

U: Universal Type

Values 可以用 Types 来描述,而 Types 可以用 U 来描述。

  • (cons 'plum 'plum) is a (Pair Atom Atom).
  • (cons Atom Nat) is a (Pair U U), not a U.

(Every U Is a Type)

Every expression described by U is a type, but not every type is described by U.

注解:U is a type, but U is not a U.(一个类型的类型不能是自己)

判断一个值是否是某个类型,那么需要知道这个类型所有的值。但是对于 U 而言,不可能知道所有的 type constructor,因为可以创建新的 type,因此也可以创建新的 type constructor。


通过 U,我们可以用 define 去定义类型 Pear

(claim Pear

(define Pear
  (Pair Nat Nat))

Pear 这样由 define 定义的名字不是一个 value(因为没有 constructor)。

Pear 的 eliminator 的形式如下:

( Nat Nat
  X) ; X can be any type

可以看出,加法((→ Nat Nat Nat))可以是 Pear 的 eliminator。


使用 define 没有带来更多的内容,但是可以让代码更加简洁。例如下面的例子:

(claim Pear-maker

(define Pear-maker
  ( Nat Nat

(claim elim-Pear
  ( Pear Pear-maker

(define elim-Pear
  (λ (pear maker)
    (maker (car pear) (cdr pear))))

; 如果不用 define 的写法

(claim elim-Pear
  ( (Pair Nat Nat)
     ( Nat Nat
       (Pair Nat Nat))
    (Pair Nat Nat)))

elim-Pear 使得 λ 表达式可以应用于 Pear

  (cons 3 17)
  (λ (a d)
    (cons d a)))
; (cons 17 3)

Recess: Forkful of Pie


对于 claims 和 definitions,Pie 会返回它们是否是有意义的。对于表达式,Pie 会返回它们的类型和 normal forms。

; 返回 (the Atom 'spinach)

但是 Pie 不一定能自动推断出所有表达式的类型,所以可以用 the-expressions 来告诉 Pie 表达式的类型(类似于 type notations)。例如 Pie 不能自动推断出 cons 组成的类型:

(the (Pair Atom Atom)
  (cons 'spinach 'cauliflower))

  (Pair Atom
    (Pair Atom Atom))
  (cons 'spinach
    (cons 'kale 'cauliflower))) ; 内层的 cons 不需要另外的 the

(The Law of the)

If X is a type and e is an X, then (the X e) is an X.

(The Commandment of the)

If X is a type and e is an X, then (the X e) is the same X as e.


对于 U 这样的类型,它本身就是类型,Pie 会直接返回它的 normal form。

存在一些类型不是 U 的类型,如 (Pair Atom U) 等。